Music Together is a renowned program that focuses on providing music education to children in their early childhood years. It is available for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, first and second graders, as well as adults who have a fondness for them. The program was first introduced to the public in 1987 and has since been recognized globally.
The curriculum of Music Together is based on research that shows that all children have an innate musical ability. The program aims to help children learn to sing in tune, keep a beat, and confidently participate in music from their culture, given that their early environment supports this learning. The focus of Music Together is on creating actual music experiences for children, rather than simply teaching them concepts about music. By doing so, children can learn to enjoy creating music, rather than just listening to it passively.
Music Together recognizes the crucial role that parents and caregivers play in children’s musical development. The program encourages family participation in the music-making process by providing a rich musical environment in the classroom and facilitating musical activities at home within the context of daily life.
Since its inception, Music Together has been committed to promoting informal music experiences for families, caregivers, and early childhood professionals. All teachers involved in the program have completed Music Together’s training program and apply the latest research in early childhood music development.
Music Together’s goal is to provide high-quality music and movement experiences to as many young children as possible, with the involvement of their parents, caregivers, and early childhood professionals. The program is dedicated to supporting its licensees and teachers with training, mentoring, networking, promotion, customer referrals, business technology, research and development, and production and distribution of musical instruments and related products.
To see the current class offerings, please click here.
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