If you’re smarter than I am – and you probably are! – you know that the famous first line of Herman Melville’s classic literary work Moby Dick is: “Call Me Ishmael.” By titling this, my first ever blog-post: “Call Me RkrMom,” am I attempting to tell you that this blog is destined go down in blog history as some great work of non-fiction? Uh, no. Am I alluding to the fact that I am a gifted writer trained in the usage of symbolism and metaphor? Yeah, as if. What I’m really trying to tell you is this: in the telling of my story, I prefer to: 1) hide behind a pen name (a nom de plume, as it were), while, 2) also giving you a petite glimpse into the essence of my being.
So, why RkrMom? Well, let’s just say if I ever invested in a vanity license plate, that’s what I would want it to say. Let’s start with the easy part: I am a mom. My husband and I have one son, currently 11 years and 11 months old. [If you are a parent, you completely understand my specificity here. While part of me will always think of my kid as my “baby,” he thinks of himself as an almost-teen. If he should ever read this blog entry, I have decided to err on the side of being factual. Can’t argue with the facts, right?] And the “Rkr” part? Well, that’s a tad less factual. In fact, it’s downright fanciful. It stands for “Rocker.” It’s not that I am an actual musician in an actual rock band, but in my head, I SO ROCK! J To look at me, with my graying hair, and invisible trifocal glasses, you wouldn’t suspect so. But that’s because you can’t see inside of me. Inside, for some crazy reason, beats the rockin’ heart of an 18-year-old boy. And when I say 18, I don’t mean 18 as in “born in 1993” (because we are now in 2011), I mean 18 as in “born in 1964.” Yes, 1964. Last CENTURY. If you did the math, you know that for the most part, I am stuck in the environs of 1982: AC/DC, Van Halen, Kiss, Queen, Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne. [And isn’t it funny, a lot of those musicians are still around! So, I’m not the only aging rock fan out here!]
So, yes, you can call me RkrMom. Nice to meet you! Accompany me on my maiden voyage as an adult music student at the Grosse Pointe Music Academy in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. See how I will fare. Will it be smooth sailing? Will my teacher be some sort of crazed Captain Ahab? Will I learn any life lessons? Stay tuned. And don’t worry, I won’t be mentioning Moby Dick again.
Posted by Grosse Pointe Music Academy
Grosse Pointe Music Academy
17012 Mack Ave.
Grosse Pointe Park, MI
Grosse Pointe Music Academy
Canton Campus
5880 N. Canton Center Rd. Suite 425
Canton, MI
The Canton Campus will be open for Lessons on Tuesday September 6th. We are a short commute from Plymouth Township, Plymouth, Cherry Hill Village, Novi, Northville, Westland, Livonia, and Garden City.
Lessons available for Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, Drums, Violin, and Voice.
Thanks for this! I look forward to reading more!