Children will often take up a musical instrument with high hopes of becoming great at playing the instrument or great at singing. Typically the first few lessons are a lot of fun and it’s exciting to learn a few things about how to play and sing. Beginning music lessons need to be set up so that the student can take baby steps towards learning something that is overall very complicated. Inevitably there will come a time when the students encounters something in the lesson that seems like to big of a bridge to cross. Something that will take a little extra work at home to master. When this happens it is important to keep up the support and establish a required practice routine so that the learning continues. Many guitar players want to quit when they encounter their first barre chord like the F chord. There are many thresholds that will seem impossible for the student at certain times. This is the time when parents, teachers or any adults in support should step up and do everything possible to ensure that the child doesn’t quit just because it’s too hard. There are many reasons why people don’t want to practice but it is usually from being undisciplined or just plain lazy. If I had a nickel for every time I heard an adult say “I wish my parent’s wouldn’t have let me quit music lessons”, I wouldn’t be writing this article or running a music academy. Instead, I would be on a beach somewhere with warm weather, counting my millions of dollars in nickels. Actually I think I would take it all to the change machine at a bank and play guitar on the beach instead. I’m not suggesting that every single person was made to play music on instruments or be singers, but it’s just a real tragedy when parents let their kids quit because things got a little challenging at the music lesson. If your child isn’t practicing be certain to spend some time sitting with them and going over what they did in their lesson. Sometimes young students will need their parents to come to a few lessons to help them organize a practice routine at home. Sometimes students who do practice become unmotivated by practicing alone and desire to start playing with other musicians like their favorite bands do. Our rock band and ensemble program has worked wonders for some of our young musicians. Confidence is key and these programs help tremendously with confidence and inspires students to learn more and more. Don’t let your child wish you would have kept them going in music. Don’t let them quit music lessons!
Posted by Grosse Pointe Music Academy Staff
Plymouth Canton Area Music School
Grosse Pointe Music Academy in Canton
5880 N. Canton Center Rd. Ste. 425
Canton, MI
Thank you for your article. It is very timely in that my daughter wanted to quit taking violin lessons. She is just really starting to move into the next level of her ability. She is a freshman in high school and starting to get more complex pieces to play. While she is no child prodigy, she is quite good. The kicker is she really enjoys playing, but as you mentioned hates practicing. I told her she couldn’t quit. I want her to enjoy playing and, as you said, not regret quitting. Thanks again.
I believe that you’re making the right choice. Music is a gift that will keep on giving literally for a lifetime. Not only that but it sends a message of that you can’t quit things if you want to have things.