I’ve always that that it is really cool listening to birds imitate the sounds and songs of other animals and especially humans. Anyone who has been in the presence of birds can clearly see that they are extremely interested in music and any kind of sound. I’m pretty sure that most animals on earth have keener and overall better hearing than do human beings but birds seem to take an interest in music as much as any being on earth. Birds have learned to imitate the human voice and sing their little hearts out day after day. I always wanted to get one and teach it to sing a few songs but never got around to it. I wonder now though if you can ever get them to quiet down when you’re tired of hearing that song over and over again! In any case, I got to thinking that many people have expressed a desire to sing and learn to be better singers but don’t think they have any natural ability. Some people claim that they would rather get on stage naked rather than exposing their voice to any sized audience. Shows like American Idol and The Voice like to make a spectacle of people that fail miserably in their singing auditions. I guess it’s no wonder that so many people would rather avoid the spotlight. But I think it is clear that singing is something that people do to find balance and joy in their lives. Have you ever spotted someone in their vehicle singing with all their emotion? Do you know people that never sing until they get in the shower and think nobody is listening?
Singing lessons can help you to learn to sing in pitch better as well as extend your range of low notes and high notes that you can sing comfortably. I think that some people do have so called “natural talent” in singing, playing instruments or anything. I think that natural talent probably comes from a lot of musical exposure from a very young age. Perhaps they were in a family that always encouraged lot’s of singing. Regardless of whether or not that is you, I think that you will still find that you can learn so much from voice lessons. Whether you’re looking to be a pro or just get better at karaoke, then you will surely benefit from working with one of our outstanding voice teachers!
by Henry Bahrou
Grosse Pointe Music Academy Staff
I have a parrot that whistles “If I Only Had a Brain”
As much as I would like to take my tax refund and buy some exotic bird to sing duets with me … I have pondered taking some voice lessons myself. I think if I can belt out a song out in my car (where I currently do most of my training) with other people next to me in traffic that can hear … I can stand to be embarrassed my first few weeks in lessons.