The Outreach Committee of Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church is sponsoring a full concert performance of modern folk and acoustic blues by Matt Watroba and Robert Jones on the evening of Martin Luther King Day, January 16th, at 7:00 PM.
Our chapel is a perfect venue, offering the intimate atmosphere and excellent acoustics that will make this event very memorable. Matt and Robert present a family-friendly show, with broad appeal for all, from the most sophisticated aficionados of folk and blues, to elementary-age children. Rest assured, you will not be hearing those tired 60’s folk songs. This is material that will surprise with its freshness and timeliness. You can expect to be entertained by a virtuoso performance that includes laughter, inspiration, some awe, and perhaps a little enlightenment.
We have set the ticket price as low as possible to make this event affordable during these difficult economic times. Admission is only $10.00, and sales are open to the public, so you are encouraged to buy your tickets as soon as you can. Ticket reservations are available by emailing Larry Peplin at this address:
Ever since their first meeting over twenty years ago, Robert Jones and Matt Watroba have been musical partners. Their relationship started when they hosted “Folks Like Us” and “Blues From the Lowlands”, back to back radio shows on WDET-FM in Detroit. During the twenty-plus run of those programs, they started performing together and, in doing so, discovered a friendship based in mutual respect and a love for traditional American music. Over the years, Matt and Robert have traveled the nation extolling the virtues of and performing the music they loved.
For Matt and Robert, American Roots Music (Folk, Blues, Spirituals, Work Songs, etc.) is the music that America and the world have in common. It is a genre that reflects history, social change, migration, hopes and dreams. It is music that is rich and diverse, directly outspoken, and powerfully moving. As talented as they are individually, Matt and Robert form a terrific synergy when onstage together.
I’ve heard nothing but raves from parents about the lessons their children are getting at your Academy. This concert looks like an excellent way to expose those students to real, live, music. Thanks much!
I’ve heard nothing but raves about Matt Watroba’s concerts. I was in one of his 10th grade classes at Plymouth Canton high School in the 90’s. It was a creative composition class and I loved it!
Ok, you both have convinced me – I’m taking the family to this one! 🙂
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed Janis. I’m going to try to make it myself. I’m coming back from an out of town trip that day so it’s gonna be tight but I’ll do my best.