Music New Year Resolutions
By Espie Estrella

New Year’s Resolutions, yes we all have them, some may even have more than others. Whatever your goals are for 2014 keeping a list is a good idea to remind you where you need to improve and focus on. Here’s a list of possible resolutions for music students as you continue your studies.
1. I resolve to practice my musical instrument everyday for at least 20 minutes.
I am as guilty at this as most of you are. Being a working-mom, juggling kids and husband, doing chores, running errands, writing and all the other 101 things we are expected to do everyday, finding time to practice becomes a struggle. But if we want to be good players, we must set aside practice time each day. Related Article
2. I resolve to do finger exercises first before I start my daily practice session.
Finger exercises such as scales and arpeggios are crucial if you want to be a good player. Think of it as a warm-up before you proceed to the main exercise. Doing finger exercises before launching into playing your musical instrument is very important to avoid injuries and to help your hands and fingers build strength and flexibility. Related Article
3. I resolve to learn a new music piece every week.
It doesn’t have to be elaborate especially if you’re just starting out. Pick a simple music piece you’d like to learn and include it in your daily practice session. Imagine, if you learn a new music piece every week you’ll end up with 4 well-practiced music pieces at the end of each month! Related Article
4. I resolve to take care of my musical instrument.
Your musical instrument will serve as your friend and partner as you continue your studies. It isn’t enough that you’re a good player, you must also have an instrument that is of good quality and in top condition. Take care of your instrument; if you feel it’s starting to have problems, don’t wait and have it checked immediately.
5. I resolve to read on the lives of famous composers/musicians to keep me inspired
If you’re looking for inspiration, look no further. The Music Education newsletter has a weekly feature called “Profile of the Week” to help you get to know some of the famous composers/musicians in history. Learn about their lives, works and little known personal facts. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter so you can check it out regularly. Related Article
6. I resolve to see a symphony concert this year.
Attending a concert is also an effective way to inspire your music playing. I especially like watching children perform; if kids can have the discipline and will to learn, then so can we. If your goal is to one day play in an ensemble, then watching a symphony concert (or any type of concert featuring the genre you like) will give you a great glimpse of things to come. Related Article
7. I resolve to be more forgiving of myself.
As beginning music students, especially if we’ve started out late, we have a tendency to be hard on ourselves. We expect to get the lessons right away, to play the piece flawlessly. If we fail, we start to doubt ourselves, feel embarrassed or even get angry. Please don’t, playing a musical instrument is like learning a new skill – it needs time and patience. Think positive and be more self-forgiving.Related Article
8. I resolve to feel proud of my accomplishments.
Learning a new music piece is an achievement worth celebrating. By all means, feel proud of yourself. It doesn’t matter how simple it is, what matters is you’re one step closer to becoming a more skilled player.Related Article
9. I resolve to remember that playing a musical instrument should also be enjoyable
We all want to be good at something, but for me loving what you do is more important. Never forget that despite all the hardwork you will and are facing, playing a musical instrument is enjoyable. As you improve, your love and enjoyment for playing will also grow. Related Article
10. I resolve to interact with other beginning music students.
Knowing someone undergoing the same experience as you are is quite a gift. Whether you are in group lessons, private sessions or a school band, having someone who shares your love of music will continue to foster your creativity and desire to learn. Related Resources
Shared By Grosse Pointe Music Academy
Helping students manage their music New Year resolutions!
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