Hummingbirds Music Together
What Parents are saying:
“We really are a Music Together family over here. We absolutely love it! It has been a part of our daily lives for the past three years. We’re either singing it or playing it or making up our own versions in some capacity each day. It has brought our family so much joy. We can’t imagine life without Music Together! ”
– Kimberly, Music Together Mom
“Music Together has been such a joy for our family- we are always singing and enjoying the songs from class! Music together has helped me to know how to engage with and help my children grow musically. I have seen such growth in my children over the semesters! I am thankful for the musical foundation Music Together has given my sons and the skills it has given me to help them understand music.”
– Lindsay, MT Mom
“We were sitting at dinner the other night and had the Jazz station playing. Both of the girls picked right up on the beat, swaying from side to side. Grace (18 mos) actually started saying the rhythm with the song halfway through. It is amazing what music class has done for them. I am sure Maggie is going to be a singer when she grows up. She has her microphone and just sings all the time!”
– Tracy, MT Mom
“Shortly after bringing our daughter, Abbey, home from China at age 2, we began attending Music Together classes at the Grosse Pointe Music Academy. I had no idea what to expect at first but found the classes to be a fun, educational 45 minutes of bonding time with my daughter. We BOTH look forward to the classes each week! It’s a time to sing, play instruments, engage with each other without distraction, and have some fun reminiscent of childhood. The teachers are very kind, enthusiastic and talented individuals who engage well with all of the adults and children. Needless to say, we love Music Together and highly recommend it!”
– Music Together Mom
- Winter, Spring, and Fall – tuition rate is 229.00 for the 10-week session for the first child.
- Special sibling rate of 159.00 for the second child, third sibling is free!
- Summer Rates Vary
Your tuition includes your weekly classes with make up classes available, professional recordings to take home, an illustrated songbook with activity suggestions, digital access to Music Together’s exclusive Family Music Zone® , and a family guide to understanding music development in children. Each family will a download code (CD optional) to access all music and materials on any device through our “Hello Everybody” app. Membership in the Music Together global community is far more than a once-a-week activity, the app and the Family Music Zone extend the learning and fun!
Music Together® (Ages Birth-5)
Music Together is an internationally recognized early childhood music program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and the adults who love them. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adult involvement.
Music Together classes are based on the recognition that all children are musical. All children can learn to sing in tune, keep a beat, and participate with confidence in the music of our culture, provided that their early environment supports such learning.

Rhythm Kids ™
Rhythm Kids Level is the next musical step for your child (ages 4 – 5) with a parent or caregiver or K-2nd graders. Each week we drum, sing, dance, play rhythm instruments, and begin to play music – based games. Rhythm Kids guides children toward developmentally appropriate music and movement activities, where they can begin to take charge, lead others, and be musically creative, as they:
- make up their own drumming patterns
- invent new ways to play rhythm instruments (shakers , sticks, etc.)
- create movement ideas for songs
- even take a drum solo!
Rhythm Kids follows through on the Music Together® vision to help children complete the pathway of early childhood music development from birth through age eight.Classes are for children ages 4 – 8 and include:• 10 weekly, 45 – minute classes
- Animal Collection Songbook, digital download code, and CD each semester
- Access to online drum – play videos and other materialYour child will:
- Explore the world of rhythm through movement, instrument play, and song
- Develop basic rhythm skills, like keeping beat, improvising, ensemble play, and soloing
- Learn to create, cooperate, and express themselves musically• learn multicultural drumming patterns• Experience drumming, song, and dance from around the world (Mali, Puerto Rico, Turkey, etc.)• play games based on music and drumming – which are both enriching and totally fun!
Drums will be provided for the class each week , but if you ’d like your child to have a drum to play with at home, please ask your teacher about the special discounts on djembe drums that are available to Music Together families.
Enroll in Rhythm Kids by Music Together

1992-2024 Music Together LLC. Music Together is a registered trademark. Hummingbirds Music Together is licensed by Music Together LLC. For more locations: www.musictogether.com