The Grosse Pointe Music Academy Winter Recital will be held on Saturday, December 10th 2011 at 6pm for session 1 and 8pm for session 2. The recital will be held at the Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church located at 17150 Maumee at the corner of St. Clare in Grosse Pointe city.
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This is a free event but we ask that you will bring non-perishable food items to help benefit a local food bank that will help to feed people in need. So give generously and let’s do our part to make sure that nobody goes hungry during this cold holiday season!
We have split the recital into 2 sessions for the convenience of the parents and students. Students performing in the recital need to tell their teacher or the front desk staff which recital they will be attending. Session 1 will be at 6pm and session 2 will begin at 8pm. Each recital will last approximately 60-90 minutes.
Performers may sit anywhere they like in the auditorium. We will call each performer’s name and then they come up to perform.
Please do not leave after your child has performed. This is very rude and the students at the end of the recital deserve an audience as much as the students at the beginning of the recital.
Please do not talk during the performance and keep young children quiet so the performer is not distracted.
Please come early if you have an instrument that needs to be tuned.
Students do not have to memorize music and if they have we still strongly encourage them to bring their music in case they have any difficulties while performing.
Due to the number of students performing the absolute maximum length a piece can be is 2 minutes. (This actually is a lot longer than you may think.)
Students should use a post-it note flag or paperclip on the piece they are playing so they don’t have to find the page in the book at the recital.
Dress for the recital does not have to be formal, but please do not dress in immodest or sloppy clothing. The appearance of the performer always is an important part of the performance.
If you have any questions, please ask the front desk We hope you enjoy the recital!
Grosse Pointe Music Academy
17012 Mack Ave.
Grosse Pointe Park, MI
Canton Location:
5880 N. Canton Center Rd. Ste. 425
Canton, MI
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